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Professor Tan Weihong visited our international aptamer platform

On January 24, 2019, Prof. Tan Weihong visited the aptamer-based international research platform. Prof. Tan Weihong is an expert in analytical chemistry and molecular biology, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Distinguished Professor of the University of Florida, Vice President of Hunan University, and Director of the State Key Laboratory of Chemical Biosensing and Metrology (Hunan University). Prof. Tan visited our aptamer-based drug discovery platform laboratory at the Hong Kong Science Park and highly praised for the world leading instrumental configuration of our core laboratories. We discussed our novel automatic aptamer screening system based on microfluidic chip with Prof. Tan. Prof. Tan gave us valuable suggestions for the project. Professor Zhang Ge, Professor Ren Kangning, Dr. Yu Yuanyuan and Wu Xiaoqiu attended the discussion .

In the discussion, Dr. Yu Yuanyuan gave a detailed introduction to the microfluidic aptamer screening project, summarizing the achievements and problems in the system operation. Subsequently, Professor Zhang Ge introduced the research and development concept and long-term significance of aptamer screening based on microfluidic chip to Prof. Tan. Prof. Ren Kangning introduced the exploration of chip material development and product performance. As an expert in the field of aptamer screening, Prof. Tan expressed high praise for the development of automatic high-throughput aptamer screening work by our team and the recognition of microfluidic chip technology and gave many unique and valuable suggestions to us.

Finally, Professor Zhang Ge expressed great gratitude to Prof. Tan for visiting to our platform and providing constructive comments on the microfluidic project. We will redouble our efforts to overcome difficulties and aim to develop a fully automated high-throughput aptamer screening system, which will provide a better technology platform for future aptamer screening. Hope we can continue to work closely with Prof. Tan in the field of aptamers to facilitate the development of aptamer-based applications.


701-705, 9 West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, Hong Kong 

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